DAP Masuk PAS. Di semenanjung at least !
Welcome the Rocket (DAP) to the Moon (PAS)! We're over the moon about this news... we're on cloud 9, already ! Haha.

All the gists, argy-bargy all this while, ekoran masalah DAP dengan Pendaftar Pertubuhan, semalam, RoS memaklumkan kepada DAP bahawa ia tidak mengiktiraf barisan baru CEC parti itu yang dipilih akhir tahun lalu ekoran kesilapan teknikal dalam penjadualan (tabulation) undi. Berikutan itu, RoS telah mengarahkan jawatankuasa pusat parti itu dibekukan sehingga siasatan selesai dan satu salinan surat RoS kepada DAP telah dihantar kepada SPR.
Ini memaksakan DAP memutuskan mereka bertanding dengan menggunakan logo PAS di Semenanjung Malaysia dan logo PKR di Sabah dan Sarawak.
Naib Pengerusi DAP, Teresa Kok berkata, pengumuman mengenai keputusan itu penting untuk hari penamaan calon Sabtu ini.
"Selepas ini tidak ada sesiapa lagi boleh mendakwa sama ada PAS ataupun PKR dipergunakan oleh DAP lagi kerana DAP akan masuk PAS. Saudara boleh panggil saya ustazah selepas ini," katanya ketika berucap pada Majlis Pengumuan Calon dan Pelancaran Manifesto Pakatan Rakyat (PR).
The DAP has informed all its 51 parliament and 103 state candidates to use the rocket symbol first during nomination tomorrow, and show the Election Commission the letter of authorisation signed by secretary-general Lim Guan Eng.
"If in the event we cannot use our symbol, then show them the letter of authorisation signed by PAS secretary-general Mustafa Ali," said Lim at a press conference today.
This comes after the DAP has decided to use PAS and PKR symbols for the coming general election on May 5.
Lim said two letters of authorisation has also been signed by the party and PAS for its candidates.
"This is our last chance to use the rocket symbol but if we cannot, we will use PAS’s symbol," said the caretaker Penang chief minister.
Earlier, DAP chairperson Karpal Singh said DAP will use the PAS logo in the peninsula and PKR logo in Sabah and Sarawak in the general election, as backup, following the Registrar of Societies' failure to withdraw its letter.
The party had appealed to the ROS to withdraw its Wednesday letter to suspend the party's existing central executive committee (CEC) but till this afternoon the department had been silent on the matter.
"Following this, we will do as what was decided yesterday and contest under the PAS logo in peninsula and PKR for Sabah and Sarawak," Karpal(left) said when contacted.
Nominations for general election candidates begins 9am tomorrow and closes an hour later.
PAS secretary-general Mustafa Ali when contacted also confirmed that DAP candidates will use the PAS logo in the peninsula.
"I have signed all the letters of authorisation of the DAP candidates (contesting in the peninsula)," said Mustafa.
He described this as "a historic" occasion for PAS, but brought about "by force" by ROS' actions.
p/s : Haha.. terkezut berok UmNo-BN... We can overpower u this time !
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