26 May 2013

Teruskan apa UM-No tak suka, tu Kita teruskan buat.

Kalau ikut hati, nak aje kita mengamuk, marah macam Hang Jebat beraksi di jalanan...BUT no.. kita just get along with it, we can still live with that defeat, electroral frauds, EC misconducts, whatnots. War is NOT over yet.. we'll fight another day!  

Ikutkan hati demo, himpunan, all the argy bargy, gists, walaupun merimaskan, memenatkan kita, were NOT really that farcical. Such is life .. That's the only way to do it for our sons, daughters & grand kids & so. For better Malaysia, that is ! Conducive environment for Islam when we're actually win it! Here is hoping ! Insya-Allah

There’s an old adage that when you go through severe hardships in life – IF it doesn’t kill you – it makes you stronger. 

March on, guys... hail People Power ! Teruskan berjuang ..Dari rakyat & untuk rakyat Malaysia -termasuk yg 47% yangundi depa tu jugak la - ...yesss, kerana Allah..semestinya!


Comment as you like... Tulislah seikhlas hatimu!