09 June 2010

Negaraku @ Boleh Land is Mess-ia

Perdana Menteri berkata antara langkah yang diambil oleh kerajaan untuk memperkukuh aliran pendapatan, kerajaan sedang berusaha memperkenal cukai barangan dan perkhidmatan (GST)). Melalui GST, asas pendapatan kerajaan akan diperluas dan sekaligus lebih terlindung daripada perubahan kitaran harga minyak, kata Perdana Menteri. (wohaa)

How illuminating? That’s an extremely interesting paragraph there and it probably needs some Sherlock Holmes work done on it. Government in need of more money? How about we soon legalise all those 'control items' inclusive of that football betting, prostitution, drugs, alcohol & others to the public. Ironic, who's killing our economy all this whilst? Men on top of power or the people? Misled? Subsidy? Overspending? Mismanagement? Pick your choice!  

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